
honest & handmade


Brand concept | logo development | packaging design | advertising material

Joint projects


Customer since



A zest for life and a passion for honest food are reflected in the visual appearance of the “Kesselfreude” brand. Handmade fonts, dancing baselines and steaming kettles are essential elements of the logo and convey the honest and handmade look desired by the customer.

In order to strengthen the identity of the brand, the corporate design was used uniformly in all communication and advertising materials.

Logo von "Kessel Freude" mit fettem Text und dem Symbol eines dampfenden Topfes, darunter der Slogan "ehrlich & handgemacht" in hellerer Schrift, gestaltet von
Ein Holzstempel mit schwarzer Tinte wird neben ein weißes Blatt Papier gelegt, auf dem ein klarer, kreisförmiger Text steht: "kesselstr 51, Kreativagentur Köln, echtes
Packaging Design

KesselFreude products are processed by hand and cooked with love. The packaging design, supported by design elements such as handmade fonts, organic shapes and vegetable wallpaper, conveys the honest and handmade look desired by the customer. Passion and joie de vivre bring the brand to life for the customer.