Land Gut Höhne

Recreation and conference hotel in the
Neanderland near Düsseldorf


Consulting | UX concept | Responsive web design | Multilingual website | Custom post types | Interface to booking system

Joint projects


Customer since


Land Gut Höhne

Land Gut Höhne is a recreation and conference hotel in Neanderland near Düsseldorf. The organic focus and the wide range of wellness and mindfulness offers make the hotel unique. E-MEDIAD has designed and developed a new website. The goal: to present the Land Gut Höhne world to the user and increase conversion.

Website-Design für ein Luxus-Spa-Resort mit einem ruhigen Header-Bild eines Waldes und Abschnitten für Bewertungen, Unterkünfte, Behandlungen, Essen und Kontaktdaten, präsentiert in einem klaren und strukturierten Layout von
Land Gut Höhne - Mobile

The unique Land Gut Höhne world can also be experienced on the move. There, short videos provide a special insight. Optimized mobile capability and multilingualism make the website accessible to an international audience from any device.

All areas of the website can be quickly and easily populated with videos, images and up-to-date content by the customer.


We were invited to Land Gut Höhne to launch the project. During a workshop, we got to know the client and the company’s objectives better and were able to develop a precise strategy for the website.

Dreiteiliges Bild mit verschiedenen Settings: 1) ein bezaubernder, von Bäumen gesäumter Hoteleingang, 2) ein Geschäftstreffen mit Teilnehmern vor einer Präsentationsleinwand in Köln, 3) ein malerisches historisches

Workshop at Land Gut Höhne

Audiovisual experience

The idea of capturing the special atmosphere of the estate using audiovisual elements and allowing the user to experience it on the website came up during the first workshop on site. We developed a video concept for the presentation of the videos, divided into mood videos and story videos.

Mood video on homepage

The atmospheric videos immerse the user in the special atmosphere of the estate. Right from the start page, the user is whisked away into the different worlds and senses the natural atmosphere that makes every stay unique. The mood videos are also used on many subpages.

The story videos are longer videos and tell stories about the Gut Höhne estate. Here the user can learn a lot about the team, the organic concept, the in-house joinery and much more.


The videos are supported by background music that can be played on the entire website. The audio file contains natural sounds, such as birdsong and the sound of a gentle breeze.

UX concept

The UX concept defines all use cases and user flows and guides visitors through the site, provides insights into the full range of services and guides users safely to their destination. The wireframes serve as a structural basis for the implementation.

Eine Sammlung von Graustufen-Bildschirmmodellen mobiler Apps, die verschiedene Benutzeroberflächendesigns und -funktionen zeigen und zur Verbesserung des Benutzererlebnisses in einem Rasterformat angeordnet sind.
custom post types

Various custom post types were designed and created to make it easier for the customer to maintain the website content. Custom Post Types (CPT) are individually customizable post types.

Five different CPTs with different categories were developed for Land Gut Höhne, some of which contain over 40 features. For example, all characteristics for “hotel rooms” such as price per night and room size etc. can be entered and managed quickly and easily via such CPTs. The content is then automatically displayed in different areas of the website.

CUstom Post Types - Backend
Ein Screenshot, der eine lange Liste mit Miniaturansichten und Beschreibungen von YouTube-Videos mit unterschiedlichen Inhalten zeigt, die auf einer Webseite der Website Agentur Köln durchgescrollt werden.
Frontend overview page
Innenansicht eines kleinen, gemütlichen Wohnzimmers mit Sofa, Stühlen, einem großen Fenster mit Blick nach draußen und sanfter Beleuchtung. Eine Textüberlagerung auf Deutsch von der Kreativagentur Köln beschreibt
Frontend detail page
Von der Design Agentur Köln erstellte Website-Seite, auf der ein Gästezimmer namens „kleine Stube“ präsentiert wird. Mehrere Bilder zeigen eine gemütliche und elegant eingerichtete Inneneinrichtung mit Bett, Schreibtisch und Sitzgelegenheiten.